Cb 1300 Team - Brasil


    My name is Jose Geraldo Machado, got 57 years, live in the city of Penápolis, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
    We have an average temperature above 20 degrees, and in warmer weather arrives this tempertures atá more than 40 degrees. I am motorcyclist since 1977, already had several bikes: CB 400, CB 450, CBX 750, and currently have a CB 1300 SF 2008.
    I am part of the CB 1300 Team, (http://www.cb1300sf.com.br/1300sf/index.php) and also the group CBX 750 Four.
    We have many gatherings of bikes in my region, where all types of riders are present, to exchange ideas, talk about bikes, and above all fun.
    In November 2008, I organized a meeting of CBX750 F in the town of Penápolis (http://inema.com.br/mat/idmat103577.htm) which saw bikers from several states, and the greater distance traveled were motorcyclists who came from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, just 1400 KM, to meet our friends and spend hours talking and drinking some cold beers.

    My thanks for accepting my registration in CB1300.DE forum, and I put myself available to all, even if one ever comes to Brazil, come to know the city of Penápolis.



    (I can not speak English or German, but I use a tratudor OK.)

    Below are some links where you can see the events we hold in our region

    http://maps.google.com.br/maps…=13&lci=com.panoramio.all (City of Penápolis, Google Maps)



    http://inema.com.br/Albuns/0085641/ (this churraco was in my house)



    http://inema.com.br/Albuns/0086855/ (this dinner could not go on motorcycles, it rained a lot, for our security we drove)

    http://inema.com.br/Albuns/0086950/ (this meeting was the city of Tres Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, was attended by about 5000 bikes in three days of event)

    (This is me )

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

  • :D Tach auch.

    Südamerika, Australien und nun Brasilien, Bayern. Wo sollte da noch enden ?

    PS: I could answer in english, but as u don't speak that anyway, it's pretty useless :D

    Grüße aus der Pfalz

  • haraldS50 :D

    Good morning
    Another day on the Internet looking for something sewed on Cb 1300, I found the forum CB1300DE, I'm interested by the content, the rides they do, because we also have a very large group of CBX750, where I'ma member and organize events for this group in my town participate in others that are conducted in my area, I can not go at all, because the distances are too great.
    We had a national meeting of the CBX 750 here in the state of Sao Paulo in the city of Itu, far from my home near 500 KM, I went, and was attended by about 400 members, including children and wives, was very good.
    The group of CB1300 SF, still getting this here in Brazil, we have many CB1300, but is gradually increasing, and as the distances between one member and another is very large, it is difficult to gather all in one event.

    I'm sure CB 1300 SF, will be like the old CB 750, which were elected the motorcycles of the century, and continue doing ates the success today.
    I had two CBX750, and I miss them until today.

    If you already entered the site Inema to see the pictures, you'll notice that we are all without warm clothes, because the heat is unbearable in the hottest days.

    You can answer in English because the translation and easier for me because I have a little knowledge of English OK

    I apologize if perhaps write some sewed that you do not understand ok :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Welcome here in this forum
    I think that's good if CB drivers from many different nations come here to the forum 8)
    it's nice to see what motorcycle meetings are organized in Brazil

    PS.: I moved your Thread into the right rubric

  • Hello Machado!

    Great to hear that also brasil people are fans of cb1300.
    Wellcome to our forum and my best wishes to you, your family and all friends!

    Regards from

    Peter :D

    Männer sind Menschen, bei denen Pubertät und Midlife-Crisis fließend ineinander übergehen.

  • Zitat

    Original von DJ-Obelix
    Welcome here in this forum
    I think that's good if CB drivers from many different nations come here to the forum 8)
    it's nice to see what motorcycle meetings are organized in Brazil

    PS.: I moved your Thread into the right rubric

    I apologize for posting in improper place, is really hard for me to have to translate everything for the Portuguese.
    We have many motorcycle events in Brazil, there are several groups who meet through forums themselves (Honda, Suzuki, BMW, Harleys) and events where everyone can participate, and they are called Moto Fest, and also events organized by motorcycle clubs.
    You could open the links in events and also the city where I live?

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Hello Peter

    Thanks for the welcome, I hope that the forum member yet also CB 1300 in Brazil (http://www.cb1300sf.com.br/1300sf/index.php)
    The CB 1300 is a short time ago here in Brazil, only from 2007 and 2009 model not yet arrived.
    I have a friend who is German, lives here in my city (Penapolis) in warm months and back to germany pro when it's cold here, I try to speak with him to know what city he is OK
    It has many Brazilians playing football in Germany also :D :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    @ Machado,
    that´s no problem for me, to move your Thread in the right rubric ;)

    yes, i could open your links,
    it´s very interesting for me.... 8)
    I look at the pictures, there are many different motorcycles at the Moto Fest....

  • Hello Machado,

    beautifully that you found this forum, and also beautyfully that many CB1300-Fans everywhere ;)
    Your photos of your meetings in Brasil are very nice.
    I become envious if I see your weather and landscape. ;)

    Much fun further here in cb1300.de

    Greets, hollyE


    Original von Machado
    If you already entered the site Inema to see the pictures, you'll notice that we are all without warm clothes, because the heat is unbearable in the hottest days.

    @all here ;)

    Und wir reissen hier diejenigen auseinander, welche mal die Dreistigkeit besitzen, in Jeans zu fahren ;)
    In südlichen Gefilden ist das Gang und Gäbe und niemand interessiert es :rolleyes: ;)

    (We tear those apart, which possess times the boldness to drive into jeans. In Southern Countrys its normally and nobody interest it.)

    Be Good, Be Bad, Just Be !

  • They have no leather suits there.... all the cowskins are exported to Europe !

    Welcome here... nice to have a different view on how "the CB feeling" works somewhere else.

    But... no big surprise... looks to me as if only "the old guys" ride those bikes in Brazil, too. Same as here...
    A sign of maturity ? Must be something like this....

    2005-2023 : Lieber mit ner alten Zündapp zum Baggersee, als mit ner neuen Honda zur Arbeit

    Vorbei. Ab 03/2023 nur noch Baggersee, egal mit was.... 8)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Moppedfahrer ()

  • Hello Machado,

    you are welcome here. I hope I can also ride my bike through Brazil once. That would be nice. Maybe for my 50th birthday, I will do it.

    Have a lot of fun with your "Thick Lady" (CB1300) and I hope to hear again and read some threads of your.

    Keep care


    Es kann nur eine geben - Rocket III Roadster 2300ccm

  • Zitat

    Original von DJ-Obelix
    @ Machado,
    that´s no problem for me, to move your Thread in the right rubric ;)

    yes, i could open your links,
    it´s very interesting for me.... 8)
    I look at the pictures, there are many different motorcycles at the Moto Fest....

    Ok Obelix

    In our meetings not a single type of bike, but several.
    also found it interesting walks that you are doing out there in Germany
    Very different here because the cold must be intense, and all you like beer huh?? :P :P :P :P
    Maybe one day I can go take a ride with you.
    Will I endure so cold?? ?( ?( ?(
    Today is Saturday, I went for a walk to a nearby town to visit a friend, and the heat is very tasty, do not need warm clothes against the cold :D :D :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Hello Holly

    It is hard for me to translate everything, but as far as possible doing it.
    CB 1300 only exists in Brazil after 2007, but already have lots of them here, the color that has more is white and red, we call Hollywood.
    We've been here a forum of CB 1300 also, but we have few members.

    You said you are jealous of our climate, because I would like to know how cold a country is Germany :D :D

    Let's do a swap, you come to Brazil in the summer and I'm going to Germany in the winter OK :D

    In the days of most intense heat we walk the bike shirt and tennis
    :D :D :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Moppedfahrer hello, okay?? :D

    Typically for a walk in the city, we used jeans, shirt and tennis, but when we went for traveling use appropriate apparel, leather clothing, boots, gloves
    The model "CB" is well known throughout the world, including Brazil, where the CB750 are part of a generation, this model CB750 was imported until the year 1976, only after 10 years (1986) Honda CBX manufactured the model for the Brazilian market, and this model was considered the most expensive bike in the world, the taxes that we pay is too high. X( X( X( X(
    Here in Brazil we have people of all ages riding the CB 1300, but are certainly the oldest motorcycle to have this, because as you said, more experienced 8) 8)

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Okay, HOS-RA

    Thanks for the welcome

    Lack many years you have 50 years??
    I already have 57 years :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    This made the invitation for you to come to Brazil to motorcycle walk with me and drink a cold beer, because here is very hot 8) 8) 8) 8)

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

  • Zitat

    Original von DJ-Obelix
    Welcome here in this forum
    I think that's good if CB drivers from many different nations come here to the forum 8)
    it's nice to see what motorcycle meetings are organized in Brazil
    PS.: I moved your Thread into the right rubric

    Okay, Obelix :D

    Can I copy photos of meetings that hold in Germany, and assemble an album in tribute to www.CB1300.DE Forum site where I have the photo albums of our tours here in Brazil??
    If this is possible, I would like to send me by email, personal photos, names of members who rides more particitam what you're doing OK

    The photos will be posted on this website http://inema.com.br/ff/f035677/

    my email: machadojg@hotmail.com


    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • this is my CBX750 F Indy, year 1992

    CB 450 CUSTON 1996

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Welcome to the Forum, Machado.

    As the cold here in Germany seems to be a problem for you
    the heat over in Brazil is a problem for me. Today we had 25°C.
    This is quite enough for me. Last week we had about 37°C.
    On those days I prefer to drink cold beer - what seems to be a common interest of you and me :D :D :D

    The red-white CB1300 you call Hollywood. Why?
    We call it "Pommes" (= engl. fries) because of

    Is your black-red CB an original colour in Brazil? We don`t have this colour in Germany. Even not in whole Europe.


    Die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen 2 Punkten ist eine Gerade, die schönste eine Kurve!


  • Boa noite Machado

    we have lots of portuguese here in Luxembourg, so i have picked up some words of your language :)

    I have found the official CB1300 site of brazil some month ago, it's absolutely great! The sound are georgious, with that technology! It's great that you have found us, hopefully we will have a fruitful friendship in near future!

    kind regards

    marc of lussemburgo!

    Richtige Männer trinken keine Milch, sie essen Kühe!! 8)

  • Zitat

    Original von uhjeen
    marc of lussemburgo!

    boah jetzt adelt er sich auch noch ;) ;) ;)

    Lussemburgo (lustiges Wort) *lach*

    Fast wie Luschenburgo :D

    Jetzt bin ich aber sowas von wech .... :D

    Be Good, Be Bad, Just Be !

  • Det, thanks for the welcome ok

    I do not know if I would live in a cold place such as in Germany, like the cold weather here where I live, this year has until very cold, maybe 9 degrees and 25 degrees is normal for us ok

    And drink beer and very good, is not it?? yesterday I went to lunch at a friend's house, he made a feijoada, you know what feijoada?? a lot of pork, black beans, lots of pepper, and drink caipirinhas and ice cold beer

    Here, the CB 1300 red and white is called Holywood, because we have a cigarette
    brand called Holywood, red and white, hence the name (also the fear CBX 750 years in 1987 who also have this surname)
    I liked it the way you call, crisp like the image that you put things, hungry :D:D:D:D !!!!!!!!!!

    yes, black and dark red is the original 2008 model that sells here in Brazil, I have not seen that color out there in Germany.

    The colors that came to Brazil

    2007 ------- White and Red
    Black and Gray

    2008 Black and Dark Red
    Gray and silver

    You liked the black and dark red?? :D:D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Boa Noite, Uhjeen

    (Em tua Homenagem, vou escrever em Portugues OK)

    Legal saber que temos brasileiros morando na tua Cidade (a lingua portuguesa é mais facil de aprender, eu acho que o Alemao é muito mais dificil :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    Pergunte a um Brasileiro amigo teu o que é almoçar no domingo:
    Feijoada, caipirinha,cerveja gelada, tenho certeza que voce ira gostar disso tudo, pois é muito bom ok :D :D :D

    Este é o site da CB 1300 no Brasil http://www.cb1300sf.com.br/1300sf/index.php , onde faço parte, eu nao conheço outro ok
    Sou apaixonado pelos modelos CB de todos os tempos, ja tive CB350,CB360,CB400,CB450,CBX750, e agora a CB 1300.
    A amizade se é sincera, é bem vinda ok

    Abraço, meu amigo

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • holly

    Did not understand anything, ?( ?( but must be some joke with Uhjeen
    Here we also do many jokes, teasing with our friends ok :D :D :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • To all Forum cb 1300 D.E

    We reported that the CB1300SF will go out of production, you know something about it??
    Please say it is not true !!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Hello Machado,

    By the way, just here ;)

    Feliz Aniversario :)

    I wish You a pleasureful and successful day.

    And all time : D'ont Drink and Drive ;)

    Greets Holger

    Be Good, Be Bad, Just Be !

  • hollye, alo

    My friend Hollye, thanks for the happy birthday (I'm getting old X( X( X( X( X() OK
    Who wants to come celebrate my birthday on Sunday, August 30, yet the time to come here, right!!
    I gather some friends, have a barbecue( Churrasco), drinking a lot of cold beers, sing, dance, celebrate another year of life doing what I love, driving a CB 1300 SF

    If you do not see anyone on my birthday, then put the photos on the forum.

    Will not say why not invite huh ?????????? :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby:

    If driving do not drink, call me if you drink

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Hi Machado,
    I wish you also Happy Birthday and a good Party on Saturday.
    Your plans sound good. I would like to come over but I will be in Romania for Enduro driving at this time.
    Sorry, may be next year 8)

    The colour of your CB the red/black is not really my favourite combination.
    I prefer more contrast, like this:


    Don't worry. Colour threads are always most popular in this forum :evil: 8o :D

    Have a nice time,

    Die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen 2 Punkten ist eine Gerade, die schönste eine Kurve!


  • Hi Det

    Thanks for the happy birthday ok !!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

    Good fun for you in the proof of Enduro in Romania

    It is combined of you coming to my next birthday next year ok :D :D

    Look what you will lose on Sunday at my birthday party

    Indeed you like motorcycles more colorful


    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Ola amigo brasilero:-)

    Da minha parte bemvindo ao forum CB1300!

    Eu conheco bem esse almoco dos domingos,uma boa cerveja gelada e sempre bem vinda!

    Eu pessoalmente nao sei escrever a lingua portuguesa mas eu tenho um colega portugues no trabalho:-) é por isso que eu esto a escrever em portugues! :D

    Passa um bom dia!

    Teu amigo Guy

  • Hi Machado,
    next year Enduro riding in Brasil? I will think about that after Romania.

    Feel invited to my 50th birthday party in January but bear in mind that the weather may be like this:

    Your party is on Sunday? Today is Thursday.
    By the hell does the cow has to stay 4 days on the barbeque grill 8o ?(8o

    Other countries - other conventions :D

    Die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen 2 Punkten ist eine Gerade, die schönste eine Kurve!


  • Det Hello, how are you

    Yes, my birthday party is on Sunday, I meet some friends to celebrate and drink a beer and frosty, I have to celebrate another year in my life ok :tongue: :tongue:

    I do not like the Enduro, I like to take one road, my wife is always with me in these adventures, (do not let me go alone) ;) X(

    Send photos of enduro in Romania OK

    I do not know when it has endurance race here in Brazil, but could see it for you, OK

    I am honoring the invitation to your birthday party, it can be cold out there in Germany, you lend me clothes cold for me, OK :D

    The meat will not be four days in the fire, only a few hours, but burning ?( X( :O 8o 8o

    In Germany, do you have a barbecue on the weekends?

    I'm hoping you win the endurance of Romania, right :D

    Here you will find some videos of endurance in Brazil


    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

  • Ola Guy, tudo bem

    Agradeço as boas vindas ao forum OK :D

    Esse amigo teu é de Portugal ou Brasileiro???
    Eu nao sei escrever direito nem o Brasileiro 8o 8o 8o, imagina escrever em Ingles, alemão e muito masi dificil ?( ?( ?(

    Realmente fazemos churrasco todos os fins de semana, e a cerveja gelada nao pode faltar, uma boa caipirinha tambem não. :P :P :P

    Esta sendo um prazer e ao mesmo tempo divertido ter esse contato com pessoas que falam uma lingua diferente e de costumes diferentes.

    Estou Gostando de tudo isso :D :D :D

    Grande abraço,

    Machado (do Brasil) :D

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Hello Machado,
    welcome here in this forum.
    My name is Michael, I 'm from German , but I live in China since one year. I'm working here for AIRBUS and I enjoy the time here in China.
    But I'm also happy to go home to Germany next year.

    Best regards

    Gruß Michael
    Ist mir egal wer Dein Vater ist, solange Ich hier angle, läufst Du nicht übers Wasser !!!

  • Thanks for the welcome, Michael :D :D :D

    You're an airline pilot??? or just work for Airbus?

    (pilot was my childhood dream) Today I practice the model aircraft 8) 8)

    Not be easy being away from home, but then you back
    You know Brazil?
    How is life in China?? Customs are very different from Germany?

    I am never far from my house.

    Cheers to you Michael, good job and that you come back soon for your family OK



    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • Hello Machado,
    I'm sorry to say,that I'm not an airline pilot.
    We installed here in Tianjin since 2007 a complet new Final Assembly Line including runway for the Airbus Family A320.
    The Final Assembly Line is running since mid of 2008.
    Up to now 11 new Airbus A320 / A319 are finished and "Made in China"
    My job here is Production Leader and I will go home into my Airbus Headquarter Hamburg / Germany in march 2010.

    Best regards to brasil

    Gruß Michael
    Ist mir egal wer Dein Vater ist, solange Ich hier angle, läufst Du nicht übers Wasser !!!

  • Ok, Michael

    It seems that everything is manufactured in the world today is made in China. 8o 8o 8o

    It has a lot of work until you return to Alemnaha, Michael

    There are 19 hours here in Brazil, Saturday, August 29, China is Sunday, you're at home??

    If you ride, smooth ride, if it works, well work OK :D :D

    Follow this link, I put new pictures today

    Big hug


    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

  • Some photos of the BBQ yesterday, my birthday , 57 years (too hot, 38 degrees)
    next year is more

    ( This is me with a mask, and my wife )

    ( me and my wife)

    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()

  • very warm greetings to brazil...

    i think this is a good place for the international cb1300 meeting in 2011 exactly? :D

  • Zitat

    Original von Roland
    very warm greetings to brazil...

    i think this is a good place for the international cb1300 meeting in 2011 exactly? :D

    Thanks, Roland :D :D :D

    Why not, do not have a lot of CB1300 in Brazil, but you can bring all, I'm sure will be a big party, ok

    Can be yes, in 2011, but who to tell you has soon so I can get organizing everything, ok :) :)



    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

  • This is the basic call I made to the Motorcycle Clubs Region

    Meeting in Penapolis - Est.S.Paulo - 30/10 to 02/11/2009
    Good morning staff

    My name is Machado, live in Penápolis, Estado de S. Paulo (500 KM from the Capital), conducted a meeting here of the group of Seven Rooster, and the evidence of record, was very good (up to Smoke Squadron was present, was the anniversary of the City) decided to put into practice the idea of putting together a pretty mixed group,
    but with a passion in common: The Motorcycles
    As the holiday weekend last year, nothing better than to join the useful (over a weekend with friends and family) and to enjoyable, put the bikes on the road.
    The Hotel Fazenda path of the sun has an excellent infrastructure (http://www.hotelcaminhodosol.com.br/) (swimming pool, games room, tennis courts, biribol, etc.), accommodation capacity of about 100 to 150 people in maximum, ideally full complement, so we can negotiate prices of daily and meals, and hotel stay exclusive to us, as the meeting of galeira.
    The event in question was a confraternity among motorcycle enthusiasts, non-profit will not be an open meeting as in Motofest only have access to the premises duly registered.
    As in the event I did in November 2008, was attended by wives, children, girlfriends, this also would be the same standards.
    I will be making the call for the staff of the Forum of CB1300, Hornet online, making online, Cb Brazil, Falcon online, online Suzuki, MC off the rails, Poca Shadow MC, MC Mano came, among others, and friends of Penapolis.
    The die is cast, I hope that this dream of bringing together various tribes here in Penapolis, is real, and thus see old friends and make new ones.
    I would like to know the real possibility of each one to be present so that we can effectively engage in achieving this great event.
    Nete site you can get an idea of how the event was in 2008, the testimony of those present and tb pictures. http://inema.com.br/Albuns/0083223/, pictures Galerie in Penapolis
    This link led vcs photos of the meetings I attended in the region of Penapolis http://inema.com.br/ff/f035677/

    Regards to all (I need to know the availability of all to attend if they wanted only to participate, without staying at the hotel has no problem, but I need confirmation as fast as possible, so I can get an idea of qtos will only participate and of which will stay in the hotel)



    "Each passing minute may be all I have left to live, but I waste time as though it were infinite. "

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Machado ()